
We adapt to your needs

Investigations in the Business and Labor field

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We have specialized in the investigation of Economic Crimes. They are crimes that are committed through deception and for personal benefit and constitute a criminal act typified by the Civil Code; such as for example the Hiding of Assets (Hide assets and real benefits to avoid being liable for a debt).

Spain has become a “hub” or paradise for this type of criminals. These investigations are intended to ensure that crimes do not go unpunished and our client can collect part or all of the debt generated.

  • Heritage Investigation
  • Commercial Investigation
  • Solvency and Delinquency

Company - Other research

  • Documentary falsification
  • Unfair Competition
  • Asset control
  • Due Diligence Investigation
  • Franchise Contracts
  • Mystery Shopper
  • Violation of contractual agreements

Employee disloyalty

  • Fraudulent sick leave
  • Work accidents
  • Unexcused absences
  • Union Hours
  • Telecommuting
  • Bullying
  • Harassment
  • Decreased performance
  • Violation of contractual good faith
  • Internal thefts

Private investigations of individuals and family members

  • Divorces
  • Infidelities
  • Child custody
  • Pensions, visitation regime, housing…
  • Possible addictions
  • Bullying
  • Harassment
  • Economic resources
  • Inheritance
  • Membership in radical groups
  • Parallel lives
  • Search for relatives
  • Child abduction

We cover any topic that concerns you and that is related to your family and emotional environment. For this we provide maximum privacy and sensitivity.

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Investigations – Prevention and detection of fraud in the insurance sector

  • Thefts
  • Fires
  • Accident simulation
  • Boat accident

Detectives have a primary role in controlling and fighting against insurance fraud. Through obtaining documentary evidence and demonstrating illegal conduct.

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LAU Investigations (Urban Lease Law)

  • Tourist flats
  • Old rent
  • Duplication of address
  • Improper subleases
  • Prolonged absences
  • Hiding interior renovation
  • Housing need
  • Dedication of housing for other purposes
  • Illegal occupation
  • Breach of obligations
  • Location of owners

Specialized in investigations into the Urban Leasing Law and breach of contracts and obligations.

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We collaborate with NGOs by providing information and evidence, in order to eradicate bad practices, or carry out studies


Request your budget, without commitment and completely confidential.
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