We have specialized in the investigation of Economic Crimes. They are crimes that are committed through deception and for personal benefit and constitute a criminal act typified by the Civil Code; such as for example the Hiding of Assets (Hide assets and real benefits to avoid being liable for a debt).
Spain has become a “hub” or paradise for this type of criminals. These investigations are intended to ensure that crimes do not go unpunished and our client can collect part or all of the debt generated.
We cover any topic that concerns you and that is related to your family and emotional environment. For this we provide maximum privacy and sensitivity.
Detectives have a primary role in controlling and fighting against insurance fraud. Through obtaining documentary evidence and demonstrating illegal conduct.
Specialized in investigations into the Urban Leasing Law and breach of contracts and obligations.
We collaborate with NGOs by providing information and evidence, in order to eradicate bad practices, or carry out studies
Miembro del Collegi Oficial de Detectius Privats de Cataluña